Operation S


LIFT assists law enforcement in investigating human trafficking. Sometimes this impacts individual people or helps shape local and global policies. Other cases help prevent further harm or might re-direct money made from exploitation. Operation S led to huge results for all of these -- policy change at an embassy prevented trafficking of more women from a foreign country to Thailand, traffickers were convicted and their money taken away and Sara's life was restored.

Dismantling this visa and debt bondage scheme wasn’t achieved easily — our teams worked with law enforcement and other NGOs over a period of months to help identify and take down this trafficking ring. One of our investigators said that the most satisfying outcome of this case is walking down a particular street where there used to be lots of trafficking victims from the same country as Sara and now that street is empty.

Protection is possible. Sara is no longer bonded by debt to sexual slavery.

Prevention is possible. Closing this visa and loan scheme means that more women won’t be trafficked to Thailand.

Re-directing money made from exploitation is possible. Law enforcement and the courts are crucial to help prosecute perpetrators and re-direct profits through fines and seizures.

Policy change is possible. It is also crucial to helping stop trafficking before it starts.

We are grateful to everyone who worked on Operation S and to our supporters for helping Sara get home.